The Fertile Crescent and Egypt

Courtesy of Biblical Archaeology Society

This new volume appears at a time of explosive activity in the study of ancient Israelite history. Indeed, it is only the latest of at least a dozen histories of ancient Israel that have been published within the last six years. Some of them, like the third edition of John Bright’s A History of Israel (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1981), are updatings of earlier works. Others are entirely new productions: J. Alberto Soggin’s A History of Ancient Israel (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1985) and Henk Jagersma’s two volumes, A History of Israel in the Old Testament Period and A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983, 1986).

The present volume is one of the new productions, and it commands immediate attention because of the two scholars who have written it. J. Maxwell Miller and John H. Hayes, colleagues at the Candler School of Theology of Emory University, Atlanta, are already well known in Biblical studies, not only for their specialized articles, but even more for a series of volumes introducing and/or synthesizing important areas of the Biblical field for a wide range of readers.

Read the rest of Books in Brief–Historical Essays; The Early Biblical Period in the online Biblical Archaeology Society Library.