
  1. Primary sources
    1. Great Britain and Iraq- Excerpts from Churchill’s Papers, 1921-1922.
    2. A Summary of the Iraqi Parliamentary Debate, 1950, Norman Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times, Jewish Publication Society, 2003.
    3. The Iraqi Law Permitting Jews to Emigrate with the Forfeiture of Nationality, 1950, Norman Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times, Jewish Publication Society, 2003.
    4. The Zionist Underground in Iraq Appeals to the Jews to Register for Emigration, Apr. 8, 1950, Norman Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times, Jewish Publication Society, 2003.
    5. The Progress of Jewish Emigration from Iraq Two Months before the Expiration of the Law Permitting It, Jan. 18, 1951, Norman Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times, Jewish Publication Society, 2003.
    6. The Iraqi Government Urges that Jewish Emigration be Speeded Up, 1951, Norman Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times, Jewish Publication Society, 2003.
  2. Newspaper articles
    1. Iraqis Protest “Tyranny,” Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 3, 1947
    2. Iraq Turns Down New Pact with Britain, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 5, 1948.
    3. Iraq Regent Vows Action, Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, Apr. 29, 1948.
    4. Iraqi Pledge a ‘Fight to Death’ For Abdullah, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 6, 1948.
    5. US urged to look at the lessons of history, Financial Times, Mar. 3, 2003.
  3. Secondary sources
    1. Iraq and the Jewish People- An Ancient Relationship, Lawrence H. Schiffman, COJS.
    2. Iraq and the Bible, Bryant G. Wood.
    3. Important Points from Christopher Catherwood, Churchill’s Folly, Carroll & Graf, New York 2004.
    4. Commentary- Iraq- Repeating A Painful History, Stanley Reed, Business Week, November 17, 2003.
    5. The Outbreak of the Pogrom (Farhud) of June 1941 in Baghdad, Zvi Yehuda, Nehardea, 2005/6.
    6. Firsthand Report- Tracking Down the Looted Treasures of Iraq, Matthew Bogdanos, BAR 31-06, Nov-Dec 2005.
  4. Images
    1. Abraham Shaharbani in the British refugee camp, Balary. India, 1917-1918. Abraham Shaharbani served as an officer in the Ottoman army. Towards the end of World War II, he escaped from Istanbul, was taken hostage by the British and interred in India. Courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Archive.
    2. Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal, 1918
    3. The Iraqi rabbis. Baghdad, Iraq, early 1920s. Courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Archive.
    4. The family of Sasson Saati. Baghdad, Iraq, 1920. Sasson Saati was murdered during the Farhud of 1941. His son, Naji was hanged in Baghdad in 1969. Courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Archive.
    5. Simhah Horesh in her wedding gown. Baghdad, Iraq, 1950. Courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Archive.
    6. Members of the Zionist underground dance the “hora” on the bank of the Tigris River. Baghdad, Iraq, 1950. Courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Archive.
    7. Two of the nine Jews who were hanged in Iraq in January 1969. Baghdad, Iraq, 1969. Courtesy of L’Arche, “Les Otages,” Feb-Mar 1969, p.27.
    8. The registration line for emigration to Israel as part of “Operation Ezra and Nehemiah,” near the Meir Twigg Synagogue. Baghad, Iraq, 1950-1951. Courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Archive.
    9. Saleh Levi puts on tefillin at a group bar-mitzvah held at the Meir Twigg Synagogue. Baghdad, Iraq, 1965. Courtesy of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Archive.
  5. Websites
    1. Lawrence of Arabia
    2. T.E. Lawrence Studies
    3. Churchill and Lawrence
    4. Winston Churchill Falls from Political Power in 1922
    5. What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims–and Why Does It Matter?
    6. Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center