Sub-Saharan Africa and the East Indies
The situation in Portuguese Asia was different. There, Portuguese subjects settled permanently at important trading outposts. A few conversos and practicing Jews settled in Ormuz in the Persian Gulf. But they were confronted by an actively missionizing Jesuit presence, and this, along with the comparatively unattractive conditions of life, kept their numbers small. Our best knowledge of the New Christian presence comes from the Inquisition records of the Goa tribunal, which was established in 1560 as a response to complaints about New Christian judaizing. Among the East Indian New Christians prosecuted for heresy, a number were burned at the stake at Goan autos-da-fé.
Within the Portuguese East Indian sphere, it was only in Cochin on the Malabar coast that a long-established Jewish community continued to thrive. It was able to do so because it enjoyed the protection of the rajah of Cochin. Among the newcomers who settled there in the early sixteenth century were Jews and New Christians from Spain and Portugal.
Once Portuguese hegemony in the East Indies was challenged by the Netherlands, England, and France in the seventeenth century, a greater opening was created for Jewish settlement. Still, it was only in Cochin, after the Dutch captured it in 1663, that a Sephardic Jewish community thrived and developed strong ties to the Portuguese-Jewish diaspora. In 1686, the Portuguese-Jewish community of Amsterdam sent a delegation to Cochin, collecting information about the community and bringing to it Hebrew books produced by the Amsterdam presses. The strong tie between the Amsterdam Jews and the Jews of Cochin was maintained until Dutch rule came to an end in Cochin in 1795.
Secondary Sources
- DaSilva, José Gentil. “Portugal and Overseas Expansion from Xvith-Xviiith Centuries.” Journal of European Economic History 8, no. 3 (1979)- 681-688.
- Mark, Peter, and José da Silva Horta. “Two Early Seventeenth-Century Sephardic Communities on Senegal’s Petite Cote.” History in Africa 31 (2004)- 231-256.
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