Preparing the Way for the Jewish National Home, 1923-1929

Founding of the Hebrew University, 1925
The Zionist Labor movement can be credited with much of the positive growth for the Jewish community in Palestine, but they were by no means the only contributors. Ideas and hard work came from diverse groups, many with different approaches to the goal of Zionism. Many settlers immigrated for purposes of adventure, something new. Others came looking for freedom from oppression. Some were following the religious idea for Jews to live in the Holy Land. Others sought to take part in a Jewish renascence of culture and thought. And the Zionist Organization took on much of the administrative organizing, including immigration, colonization, and keeping interest in the country’s development and financial needs.
Excerpted from Albright, et al, Palestine- A Study of Jewish, Arab and British Policies, Vol. I, 1947, Yale University Press, p. 329-330.
- The Development of the Jewish National Home, Important Points from Albright, et al, Palestine- A Study of Jewish, Arab and British Policies, Vol. I, Yale University Press, 1947.
- Agriculture and Commerce, Important points from Albright, et al, Palestine- A Study of Jewish, Arab and British Policies, Vol. I, Yale University Press, 1947.
- The Story- 1914-1948,
Primary Sources
- Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Rights of the Governments of the Two Countries and their Respective Nationals in Palestine, Dec. 3, 1924.
- Letter from ‘Maraat-al-Sherk’ to Lord Plumer, Aug. 25, 1925.
- Letter from Henry Ford to Louis Marshall, June 20, 1937.
- Memo from the High Commissioner Sir John Robert Chancellor Regarding the Riots of 1929 (Hebrew), Sep. 1, 1929.
- Translation of the Memo from the High Commissioner Sir John Robert Chancellor Regarding the Riots of 1929, Sep. 1, 1929.
- Telegram from the Palestine Arab Executive to the High Commissioner Regarding His Proclamation Dated 1st Sept., 1929.
- The Students’ Appeal to the Sons of the Fatherland, Arab Youth Association, Sep. 11, 1929.
- A Brief Guide to Al Haram Al Sharif Jerusalem, 1929. Summary
- British Limits on Immigration
Newspaper Articles
- A Special English Edition, Falastin, Mar. 25, 1925.
- 120 to 150 Jews Die in Riots; Famine Menaces Jerusalem, The Baltimore News, Aug. 27. 1929.
- 20,000 N.Y. Jews March in Protest Parade, The Baltimore News, Aug. 27, 1929.
- Horrifying Evidence in Hebron Examinations, The Palestine Bulletin, Sep. 25, 1929.
- Herbert Samuel on Relations Between Jews and Arabs, The Palestine Bulletin, Oct. 18, 1929.
- League Committee Adopts Sixth Committee’s Report on Palestine; Warships in Palestine Waters, The Palestine Bulletin, Sep. 20, 1929.
- The Hebron Horror, The Palestine Bulletin, Sep. 22, 1929.
- Acting High Commissioner for Iraq; Palestine Jewry Heroically Contemptuous of Danger, The Palestine Bulletin, Sep. 23, 1929.
- Prayer at the Wailing Wall, Palestine Exploration Fund, 1923.
- The Wailing Wall Pavilion
- Jerusalem, The Temple Place West Side
- Wall of the Temple, Jerusalem (sketch)
- Avraham Avinu Synagogue, Hebron, 1925
- Founding of the Hebrew University, Apr. 1, 1925
- Well Next to the Golden Gate, Jerusalem, 1925
- House Destruction in the Hebron Massacre of 1929
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