Past Perfect: Shall I Go to Bethlehem?, Yigael Yadin, Biblical Archaeology Review (33:3), May/June 2007.
I had planned to meet my Armenian friend [Nashri Ohan] again on November 28 [1947] and go with him to the Arab antiquities dealer [Feidi el-Alami]. But my wife had been particularly adamant against my going, in view of the danger. And so I had reluctantly to call off the meeting. Later in the day, my son, Yigael [Yadin], came in from Tel-Aviv and was as excited as I was when I told him of the scrolls. But he, too, indicated, though not as vehemently as his mother, that perhaps it was not too wise. He was only with me for a short while as he had to return to his headquarters in Tel-Aviv.
Read the rest of Past Perfect: Shall I Go to Bethlehem? in the online Biblical Archaeology Society Library.
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