Newspapers November 1947
- U.S. Offices Barricaded, United Press, NY Times, Nov. 3. 1947.
- Last Britons Reluctantly Leave Retreats in Besieged Srinagar, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 3, 1947.
- Russia’s Palestine Plan Wins Praise, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
- U.S. and Russia Try to Agree on Palestine Plan; The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
- British Palestine Chief Tells Arabs of Peace Aims, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
- Fly KLM to Palestine (advertisement), NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
- Peace in Palestine, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 6, 1947.
- Palestine Question, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 6, 1947.
- U.N. and Palestine; Moslem Asks U.N. Help in Kashmir; Moslem Invaders Fleeing in Kashmir, India Reports, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 9, 1947. Click here for more on The Partition of India.
- Mufti Implies Arab Fight on Even U.S. Force, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 10, 1947.
- U.S., Russia, Reach Accord on Palestine, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 11, 1947.
- The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 11, 1947.
- Invaders Flee Vale of Kashmir Before India’s Advancing Army, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 11, 1947.
- British Delay U.N. Talks on Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 13, 1947.
- Britain Will Adhere to Holy Land Evacuation Plan, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 12, 1947.
- Six Killed in Holy Land Violence, Nov. 12, 1947.
- Five Britons Are Killed in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 14, 1947.
- Holy Land Death Toll Mounts, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 15, 1947.
- U.N. and Palestine, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 14, 1947.
- U.N. Debates Palestinian Withdrawal, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 16, 1947.
- Palestine Security Laws Tighten as Violence Mounts, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 16, 1947.
- Britain Will Not Take Palestine Financial Surplus, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 16, 1947.
- Gem Theft Attempted, United Press, NY Times, Nov. 17, 1947.
- Modified Plan on Palestine Passed by U.N. Group, Nov. 21, 1947.
- British Balk U.N. Palestine Partition Plan, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 21, 1947.
- Terrorist Jews Execute 4 in Arab Family; Arabs Attack Jews in Bus, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 21, 1947.
- Stern Gang Gets Arab Challenge, Nov. 22, 1947.
- Jewish Agency Confident of Partition, Nov. 23, 1947.
- U.S. Seeks Big Vote for Split in Palestine, Associated Press, NY Sun, Nov. 11, 1947
- Jews Solve Gift Problem in Palestine, NY Sun, Nov. 23, 1947.
- Vote 33 to 13 to Give Jews a Homeland, Associated Press, Des Moines Sunday Register, Nov. 30, 1947.
- Balm to the Jews, Gall to the Arabs – Part I, Life Magazine.
- Balm to the Jews, Gall to the Arabs – Part II, Life Magazine.
- Balm to the Jews, Gall to the Arabs – Part III, Life Magazine.
- The Palestine Problem, Life Magazine.
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