November 21, 1938 British Anti-Semitism


Home Secretary Samuel HallNovember 21, 1938 British Anti-Semitism Home Secretary Samuel Hall “In this country (e.g. Great Britain) we are a thickly populated industrial community with, at the present moment, a very large number of unemployed. Competition is very keen with foreign countries and it is difficult for many of our fellow countrymen to make a livelihood at all and keep their industries and businesses going. It is quite obvious that there is an underlying current of suspicion and anxiety about alien immigration on any large scale. It is a fact, and MEMBERS HAD BETTER FACE THE FACT QUITE FRANKLY, THAT BELOW THE SURFACE, AND I KNOW THIS FROM MY OWN DAILY EXPERIENCE AT THE HOME OFFICE, THERE IS THE MAKING OF A DEFINITE ANTI-JEWISH MOVEMENT. Source: Sir Martin Gilbert:  British Policy towards Jewish Refugees 1933 to 1946; Miriam Rothschild and John Foster Human Rights Trust

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