Mystical Experience


Seal of Nahmanides

Seal of Nahmanides

  1. Abraham Abulafia, ’Osar ‘Eden Ganuz
  2. Joseph Gikatilla, Sha’arei Orah, 2-59-61
  3. Joseph Gikatilla, Sha’arei Orah, 64-65
  4. Tikkunei Zohar, 1a
  5. MS Paris, Bibliothéque Nationale 824, fol. 108a
  6. Zohar 1:44a. Cf. Zohar 2-176a, 179a (Sifra’ di-Tzeni’uta); ZH, 2b (Sitrei Otiyyot) and 6c (Sitrei Otiyyot)
  7. Zohar 2:213b I
  8. Zohar 1:41a
  9. Zohar 2:213b II
  10. Zohar 2:250a
  11. Zohar 2:136b
  12. Zohar 2:136a
  13. Zohar 1:43a
  14. Zohar Hadash 28b
  15. Zohar 1:82b
  16. Zohar 3:21b-22a
  17. Zohar 3:12b-13a
  18. Zohar 2:56b-57a
  19. MS Vatican, ebr. 456, fol. 3b
  20. Heikhalot Rabbati, § 94
  21. Heikhalot Rabbati, § 163
  22. 3 Enoch 9-1-5.
  23. Sefer Levush Malkhut, fols. 93a-b
  24. Judah Hayyat, commentary on Ma‘arekhet ha-’Elohut (Jerusalem, 1963), 96b
  25. Sefer Levush Malkhut, fols. 93a-b, fol. 94a
  26. Tradition attributed to Hai Gaon by Nathan ben Yehiel of Rome in his Talmudic lexicon, Sefer he-‘Arukh Aruch Completum, 1-14
  27. Joseph ben Hayyim, MS Paris, BN 843, fol. 37a. See also MS JTSA Mic. 1885, fols. 74b-75a
  28. Anonymous commentary on the sefirot
  29. Isaac the Blind, Cited by Ezra ben Solomon of Gerona in his Commentary on Canticles, in Kitve Ramban, 2- 522
  30. Azriel of Gerona, Commentary on Talmudic Aggadoth, p. 40
  31. Nahmanides, Kitve Ramban, 2-299
  32. Hayyim Vital, Sha‘are Qedushah (Jerusalem, 1983), pt. 3, ch. 5, pp. 89-90
  33. Eleazar of Worms, MS Paris, BN 850 fols. 58a-b
  34. Eleazar of Worms, MS British Museum 737, fols. 165b-166a. Cf. MSS Paris 825, fol. 193a, Munich 92, fol. 1a.
  35. MS Oxford-Bodleian 1566, fol. 225a
  36. Geronese kabbalistic text, early 13th century, MS Oxford 2456 (Christ Church 198), fol. 15b
  37. Anonymous 13th century kabbalistic text, MS Florence 44.13, fol. 23a
  38. Zohar 1:94b
  39. Zohar 1:15b-16a
  40. Zohar 2:258b-59b
  41. Zohar Hadash, 105a (Matnitin)
  42. Tiqqune Zohar, Introduction
  43. Zohar 2:142b
  44. All Mystical Experience Texts

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