Moses Hayyim Luzzatto,’Adir ba-Marom, p. 215
The secret of worship (‘avodah) is to rectify Malkhut, to bring [her] close to the king, and the secret of the matter is “a king is enslaved to the land” (Eccles. 5-8), and this is the secret of “And the Lord God fashioned the rib that He had taken [from the man into a woman]” (Gen. 2-22). Understand this matter well for this is in truth the entire secret of worship. The Nuqba’ must be constructed from ’Abba’ and ’Imma so that she would be worthy to come to Ze‘eir ’Anpin, to unite with him. Her unification with him is the secret of unity (sod ha-yihud), for then the four letters of the Tetragrammaton are bound together in one unit… and this is the secret of the providence and the governance of all the worlds.
Translated by Elliot Wolfson in “Tiqqun ha-Shekhinah- Redemption and the Overcoming of Gender Dimorphism in the Messianic Kabbalah of Moses Hayyim Luzzatto,” History of Religions 36 (1997) 289-332.
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