Heikhalot Rabbati, § 94


R. Ishmael said,

What is the recitation of the songs that a person must sing

when he enters the chariot?

He begins by reciting the introductory song-

Beginning of praise and the first song,

beginning of rejoicing and the first exultation,

the archons, who serve each day, sing

before YHWH, the God of Israel,

they exalt the wheel of His throne of glory, (singing)-

Rejoice, rejoice, throne of glory!

Exult, exult, supernal dwelling!

Shout, shout for joy, precious vessel

Made marvelously, and a marvel!

Gladden the king who (sits) upon you,

As the joy of the bridegroom in his nuptial chamber.

Let all the descendants of Jacob rejoice and exult

when they come to take refuge under your wings,

like the joy of a heart that rejoices in you.

For your conversation is with the conversation of your King,

and with your Creator do you speak,

as it is said, ‘Holy, holy, holy (is the Lord of hosts,

all the earth is filled with His glory)’ (Isa. 6-3).

Translated by Elliot Wolfson in Through a Speculum that Shines- Vision and Imagination in Medieval Jewish Mysticism, Princeton- Princeton University Press, 1994, from Schafer, Peter, Synopse zur Hekhalot-Literatur, Tubingen- J. C. B. Mohr, 1981, § 94.

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