Greek Minor Prophets Scroll, c. 50 BCE-50 CE
A fragment from the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll contains the four-lettered name of God in paleo-Hebrew script at lower left and at left, six lines from the bottom. This scroll, found at Nahal Hever (part of the so-called Seiyal collection), shows evidence that Septuagint texts of the Bible were being revised to conform to the Masoretic text, for those Jews who demanded Greek Bibles equivalent to the Masoretic Hebrew.
Hershel Shanks, “Books in Brief–Judean Desert Discoveries–The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll From Nahal Hever,” BAR Mar-Apr 1991.
Lawrence Schiffman, Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1994, p.407.
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