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The Egyptian navy bombarded a Palestine port as land fighting along the approaches to Tel Aviv reached new intensity Thursday night.

Arabs and Jews claimed major victories on the sandy battlefield south of Tel Aviv. Israel announced its troops entered the city limits of Jenin, 45 miles north of Jerusalem, at the northeastern corner of the Jenin-Tulkarm-Nablus triangle on the central front. The Arabs have said their forces in the triangle are aimed at the Israeli capital.


Arabs and Jews also clashed in The United Nations over the meaning of the cease-fire they have accepted for Palestine.

The flare-up was cut short, however, when the Security Council decided to leave interpretation of the cease-fire up to the U. N. Palestine mediator. (See Page 4.)

Israel said her fighter planes shot down two Arab bombers following a raid on Tel Aviv.

The Egyptian Defense Ministry said the navy attacked Caesarea, a small port 30 miles north of Tel Aviv, sinking one boat and raking dockside buildings with its gunfire.

The Egyptians did not disclose what type or how many warships took part in the Caesarea bombardment.

(The Egyptian navy, according to Jane’s Fighting Ships, includes the Royal Yacht (no fire power); one 2640-ton transport fitted with two three-pounder guns; one slopo fitted with one six-pounder gun and four machine guns, and five small coastal motor launches, three of which carry one 37-millimeter gun each.


(A notation listed as “additions to the fleet” explains that during the years 1947-49 Egypt planned to acquire from the British navy three sloops, two corvettes, four minesweepers and a number of smaller craft.)

The bloodiest fighting in the southern coastal area-the dusty, cactus-strewn okaub over which the Egyptians hope to reach Tel Aviv-centered about Isdud. 20 miles south of Tel Aviv, and Negba, six miles southeast of Isdud.

The Arabs claimed they defeated the Jews in a fierce battle at Isdud. which began last evening and raged all night. Here, an Egyptian Defense Ministry communique said, the Israelis were routed, with heavy casualties, and were pursued by the Arabs.

An Israeli communique gave a contrary account of what apparently was the same general action, Jewish troops surrounded a column of Egyptian infantry near Isdud, Israel said, and destroyed Egyptian tanks and truck which tried to break through the encirclement. Egyptian casualties were reported as heavy.