Newspapers February 1948


  1. Flames Consume Body of Ghandi As Fires of Violence Lick at India, The Atlanta Constitution, Feb. 1, 1948.
  2. Gandhi Only Leader Who Emulated Christ, The Atlanta Constitution, Feb. 1, 1948.
  3. The Dying Hope of Palestine Commission, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 2, 1948.
  4. Mobs Attack Gandhi’s Foes All Over India, NY Sun, Feb. 3, 1948.
  5. Foes of Zion (Letter to the Editor by Benjamin Schultz), NY Sun, Feb. 3, 1948.
  6. Arab Building Bombed in Haifa, Associated Press, NY Sun, Feb. 3, 1948.
  7. Palestine in Rebellion with the Aid of Its Youth (Letter to the Editor from Mary King Gafney), NY Sun, Feb. 3, 1948.
  8. Trans-Jordan, Jewish ‘Deal’ Is Reported, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 4, 1948.
  9. Jews Ask U.N. to Punish Arabs for ‘Aggression’, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 4, 1948.
  10. U.N. Palestine Board Protests British Decision, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 4, 1948.
  11. Arms for the Troubled Holy Land, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 5, 1948.
  12. Iraq Turns Down New Pact with Britain, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 5, 1948.
  13. Nurenberg Trial, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1948.
  14. Nazi General Kills Self in Prison Leap, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1948.
  15. India Takes Over Princely Regime, Associated Press, NY Times, Feb. 8, 1948.
  16. Britain Lacks in Palestine Strength, The Baltimore News-Post, Feb. 12, 1948.
  17. Sixteen More Killed in Day’s Fighting Between Arabs, Jews, Associated Press, Chicago Sunday Tribune, Feb. 15, 1948.
  18. Arab Attack Launch, Associated Press, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 16, 1948.
  19. Palestine Plan of Britain Hit, Associated Press, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 16, 1948.
  20. Arabs Attack to Split Palestine, Associated Press, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Feb. 21, 1948.
  21. Explosions Kill Jews as Arabs Defy the U.N. – Part I, Life Magazine.
  22. Explosions Kill Jews as Arabs Defy the U.N. – Part II, Life Magazine.
  23. $250,000,000 Campaign For Jewish Aid Opens, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 23, 1948.
  24. U. S. Palestine Policy, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 23, 1948.
  25. Palestine Policing, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 24, 1948.
  26. Where Explosion Ripped Jewish District, Associated Press, Feb. 24, 1948.
  27. Ship Is Halted With 1,000 Jews for Palestine, Associated Press, Chicago Sunday Tribune, Feb. 29, 1948.
  28. Jerusalem Office Held Up, Associated Press, NY Times, Feb. 29, 1948.

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