by hadassah | Aug 7, 2017 | AntiSemitism, Arab Murder Mayhem Massacre, Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland, British Mandate of Palestine, State of Israel
February 24, 1945 Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon Declare War on Germany The whole temperament of the Arab world before and during World War Two was neutralist at best, pro-Nazi at worst. When Italian troops in August, 1940, invaded Egyptian territory,...
by hadassah | Aug 6, 2017 | AntiSemitism, Arab Murder Mayhem Massacre
March 24, 1947 Aleppo, Syrian Jews Attacked and Murdered In 1947, in Aleppo, Syrian Jews were butchered, and 150 homes and four large and fourteen smaller synagogues were burned. A pogrom in Aden left 82 dead and two-thirds of the Jewish shops looted and...
by hadassah | Oct 9, 2016 | AntiSemitism
There is no evidence against a Jewish clerk tried for ritually murdering a Christian boy in Kiev In 1911. But that wasn’t the point. The Crime scene- produced no clear suspects, police felt pressured to make an arrest. Through a mixture of political agitation and...
by hadassah | Oct 6, 2016 | AntiSemitism
July 1877 American Anti-Semitism: The Celebrated Seligman-Hilton Affair.
by hadassah | Oct 6, 2016 | AntiSemitism
In the summer of 1877, In Saratoga. New York, Joseph Seligman, a leading Gilded Age railroad financier, was barred from Saratoga Grand Union Hotel because he was a Jew. This was one of the first incident of this kind that had occurred in the United States. The Grand...