by hadassah | Apr 15, 2008 | Demographic Movement
Invitation of Jews into Flanders, Anonymous Eleventh-Century Hebrew Narrative [In the folkish story of early persecution in northern Europe, of Jewish intercession with the pope in Rome, and a papal edict of protection (above, chap 1), the story ends on the...
by hadassah | Apr 15, 2008 | Demographic Movement
Establishment of Jewish Rights throughout France, Rabbi Meir Bar Simon’s Milhemet Mizvah [This folk tale is included by Rabbi Meir bar Simon of Narbonne in the thirteenth-century complaint he composed in response to royal anti-usury initiatives.] First of all,...
by hadassah | Apr 15, 2008 | Demographic Movement
Demographic Movement Perhaps the most striking feature of Jewish life during our period was the growing mobility of the Jews and the adventurous spirit that moved some of them to seek new areas in which to settle. While the roots of southern European Jewry were...