‘Arab’ Group in Accord on Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 7, 1947
LAKE SUCCESS, Nov. 7 (AP)-The United Nations “Arab” subcommittee on Palestine was reported today to have agreed on a plan recommending that the legal aspects of the Palestine problem be studied by the International Court of Justice before any U. N. action is taken.
This 8-nation sub-committee was created to round up the Arab viewpoint in a “package” plan for the 57-nation Palestine committee of the General Assembly. It has been meeting in closed sessions for the last two weeks and is now completing a 60-page report.
The recommendation to send the Palestine question to the International Court, if approved, would necessarily preclude any action at the current Assembly session on the future status of the Holy Land.
The “Arab” group’s decision became known as another sub-committee sought to wrap up in a single resolution the proposed plan to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab countries.
Work of the “partition” sub-committee has been held up temporarily by divergent views of Russia and the United States as to how and when proposed partition should be put into effect. The two big powers will meet again tomorrow morning, with Canada and Guatemala, to try to reconcile their views.
The report of the “Arab” subcommittee was understood to be divided into three major sections. In addition to the recommendations to send the question to the International Court, the report-
1-Laid down a complete plan for an independent Arab country in which the Jewish minority would be guaranteed Constitutional rights and in which the question of immigration would be decided by the legislative body of the proposed Government.
2-Demanded that the United Nations take action immediately to put into effect a recommendation of the U. N. special committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) for action to find homes outside Palestine for 250,000 Jewish displaced persons now at Assembly centers in Europe.
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