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British Embassy
18th January, 1951
Dear Geoffrey,
Please refer to my letter No. 1571/160/50 on the 20th December about Iraqi Jews.
The Iraqi Ministry of the Interior has informed us that up to the 13th January a total of 85,893 Iraqi Jews had registered for migration to Israel.
Of these, 35,766 had been deprived of their nationality by the Council of Ministers, and 23,345 had been flown to Israel. There are thus some 62,000 Jews in Iraq awaiting transportation to Israel and about 12,000 of these have beep deprived of Iraqi nationality.
I am sending copies of this letter to the Chanceries at Tel Aviv, Amman, Washington, and the British Middle East Office at Cairo.
Yours ever,
(H. Beeley)
G.W. Furlonge, Esq., C.M.G., O.B.E.,
Foreign Office
PRO (London)
FO 371/91689.
p. 528