Defense Minister Ariel Sharon ended his three-day visit to Egypt today after signing 12 agreements with Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Ali covering several aspects of the continuing peace process between Israel and Egypt. Sharon was travelling home by way of the overland Sinai route. The agreements, which Hassan Ali described yesterday as “a great achievement and a great success” covered postal and travel arrangements after Israel completes its withdrawal from Sinai next April 26, charter flights, consular establishments, border crossings and other aspects of normalization.
The Egyptians also agreed to purchase certain installations and equipment Israel will leave behind when it evacuates Sinai. The only outstanding matter not resolved during Sharon’s stay in Cairo was a technical one involving the town of Rafah which lies astride the international boundary between Israel and Egypt. Sharon said a joint committee would meet on January 24 to work out an agreement in the best interests of the inhabitants of the town.
Sharon said Israeli and Egyptian teams would meet again on March 15 to deal with any other problems which might arise but added that he saw none at this time.