CAIRO, July 10 (AP)-Elsewhere, the Israeli settlement of Negba, south of Isdud, was the target of an air and artillery attack. Israeli forces pulled out of the isolated settlement of Kfar Darom, the Tel Aviv spokesman said. The Egyptians claimed the capture of Kfar Darom last night.
Another Israeli offensive action was officially reported from Galilee. Israeli forces were reported advancing toward Mishmar hay Yarden, a former Jewish settlement now occupied by the Arabs.
While Egyptian land forces attacked Julis, seventeen miles north-northeast of Gaza, Egyptian planes dropped bombs and incendiaries on Beer Tuvya, eighteen miles northeast of Gaza.
Simultaneously, the Arabs were reported shelling Israeli positions at Sejera in the Tiberias-Nazareth district.
South of the Lydda-Tel Aviv region, the spokesman said, Egyptian units suffered a heavy defeat near Isdud village.