Eleazar of Worms, Perushe Siddur ha-Tefillah la-Roqeah, 287
Why did He command the phylacteries [to be worn] over the heart and between the eyes? This is a reminder of the ark, which is in the middle like the heart, and of the cherubim between whom [speaks] the voice [of God]. The phylacteries between the eyes, the countenance of the human, and this is [the import of] “the Lord’s name is proclaimed over you” (Deut. 28-10). Every person upon whose head are the phylacteries should consider it as if the Shekhinah were upon his head, for just as it is written by the phylacteries, “the Lord’s name is proclaimed over you,” it is written, “[the ark of God] to which the name was attached, the name Lord of Hosts enthroned on the cherubim’ (2 Sam. 6-2). Therefore, the phylacteries are on the head for “such a one shall dwell in the lofty heights” (Isa. 33-16).
Translated by Elliot Wolfson in “Sacred Space and Mental Iconography- Imago Templi and Contemplation in Rhineland Jewish Pietism,” in Ki Baruch Hu- Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine, 593-634. Translation reflects a slight modification of the text according to MS Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale héb. 772, fol. 67b
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