December 1952 Arab Refugees
Being considered foreigners, they are required to file security before they are allowed to constitute themselves civil claimants in criminal complaints… Refugees can acquire immovable property in Lebanon… under the conditions applicable to foreigners, namely by obtaining the prior consent of the President of the Republic.
In practice, however, refugees find it difficult to obtain this consent, since Lebanon does not agree to the settlement of refugees on its territory … Like all foreigners in the Lebanon, refugees must be in possession of a permis de travail … Restrictions exist on travel abroad and return to Lebanon … In principle, Lebanon does not accept new refugees.”
“You brought us our misfortune, you spread us over the face of your countries and now you are going to destroy us”
Source: Arab Refugees. (p. 18-20); UNRWA Report to Seventh General Assembly, p. 44.; Ibid. p. 3, Ibid. pp. 45, 46.
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