Zionist Militia Dynamites 3 Houses Around Safad—Says It Blew Up Jerusalem Hotel
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JERUSALEM, Jan. 5 (AP)—Haganah, Zionist defense force, announced tonight the dynamiting of three houses in villages around Safad, north of the Sea of Galilee. Eight Arabs were killed in one house, five in another and one in the third, Haganah said.
Arab volunteer fighters from Syria and Lebanon are reputed to have entered Palestine in that region. Haganah said that the house in which five Arabs had been killed was reputedly owned by Subhi Hadra, whom the Zionist militia described as a lieutenant of the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini.
[In Cairo the Palestine-Arab Higher Committee, defying the United Nations proposal to partition Palestine, announced that it would establish “a national administration for all Palestine,” and that the work of organizing such an administration would begin next month. It said the Palestine administration would have a president, a national assembly and an executive council.]