By April 15, 2008 Read More →

The State and the Jews—Persecution

Medieval W. Christendom

  1. Introduction
    1. Persecution
  2. Images
    1. The River Loire at Blois
    2. Royal Assaults on Jews
  3. Primary Texts
    1. Count Hugh of Maine, 992 Contemporary Hebrew Letter
    2. King Robert of France, Early Eleventh Century Mid- or Late-Eleventh-Century Hebrew Narrative
    3. Count Theobald of Blois, 1171 Contemporary Hebrew Letter
    4. King Philip Augustus of France, 1192, Ephraim of Bonn’s Late-Twelfth-Century Hebrew Narrative
    5. King Philip Augustus of France, 1180, Rigord of St. Denis’s Early-Thirteenth-Century Chronicle of King Philip Augustus
    6. King Philip Augustus of France, 1192, Rigord of St. Denis
    7. King Edward I of England, 1275, Late-Thirteenth-Century Latin Narrative
  4. Secondary Literature
    1. R. Chazan, “The Blois Incident of 1171- A Study in Jewish Intercommunal Organization,” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, XXXVI (1968)- 13-31.
    2. R. Chazan, “The Bray Incident of 1192- Realpolitik and Folk Slander,” Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, XXXVII (1969)- 1-18.
    3. R. C.Stacey, Politics, Policy, and Finance under Henry III- 1216-1245 (Oxford- Oxford University Press, 1987), 132-159.
    4. R.Mundill, England’s Jewish Solution- Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290 (Cambridge- Cambridge University Press, 1998), 45-107.
  5. Videos
    1. Why did European governments sometimes turn against the Jews? Prof. Robert Chazan.

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