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February 1998 Jihad

February 1998 Islam Says No to Jewish Homeland and State of Israel


In his November 1998 “Letter to America,”  Bin Laden condemned the United States because, he said, like all democracies, it is a “nation who, rather than ruling by the Sharia of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, chooses to invent your own laws as you will and desire.”  After September 11th attacks, he gloated triumphantly that “the values of Western civilization…of liberty, human rights, and humanity, have been destroyed.”

Source: Iraq’s Future and the War on Terrorism, Senator Joe Lieberman, speaking to Foundation of the Defense of Democracies and Committee on the Present danger, June 16, 2004.

February 1998 Islam Says No to Jewish Homeland and State of Israel


Considered the brains behind al-Qaeda, Mr Zawahiri is now getting his opportunity effectively to lead the network. Once the leader of Islamic Jihad in Egypt, he joined Mr Bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 1980s and, together, they created the “World Islamic Front”, which issued the infamous 1998 declaration of jihad against “Jews and Crusaders.”

“To kill the American and their allies – civilians and military – is an individual duty incumbent upon every Muslim in all countries,” said the declaration.

Source: Khalaf, Roula. “Bin Laden’s deputy leads al-Qaeda into propaganda battlefield.” Financial Times, Novermber 5, 2005.

February 1998 Islam Says No to Jewish Homeland and State of Israel


An Arabic newspaper (published in London) printed a full text version of the “Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and the Crusaders”.  It was signed by Usama bin Ladin…In its text, the declaration states,

“Since God laid down the Arabian peninsula, created its desert, and surrounded it with its seas, no calamity has ever befallen it like these Crusader hosts that have spread in it like locusts, crowding its soil, eating its fruits, and destroying its verdure; and this at a time when the nations contend against the Muslims like diners jostling around a bowl of food.”1 pp. xxiv – xxv.


February 1998 Islam Says No to Jewish Homeland and State of Israel


In his “Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and the Crusaders,” issued in February 1998, Bin Laden says that

“to kill Americans and their allies, both civil and military, is an individual duty of every Muslim…every Muslim who believes in God and  hopes for reward [must] obey God’s command to kill the Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them and whenever he can.”

Source: Iraq’s Future and the War on Terrorism, Senator Joe Lieberman, speaking to Foundation of the Defense of Democracies and Committee on the Present danger, June 16, 2004.

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