By April 15, 2008 Read More →

Combating Christian Pressures

Medieval W. Christendom

  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction- Combating Christian Pressures
  2. Images
    1. Illuminated Page from Fifteenth-Century Italian Manuscript of Radak, Commentary on Psalms
    2. Opening Page of Fifteenth-Century Italian Printing of Radak, Commentary on Psalms
  3. Primary Texts
    1. Sefer Toldot Yeshu
    2. Joseph Kimhi’s Book of the Covenant
    3. R. Hasdai Crescas’s Refutation of the Dogma of the Christians, “Introduction”
    4. R. Hasdai Crescas’s Refutation of the Dogma of the Christians, “Concerning the Trinity”
    5. Sefer Nizzahon Yashan—Biblical Issues
    6. Sefer Nizzahon Yashan—Christian beliefs
  4. Secondary Literature
    1. H. Trautner-Kromann, Shield and Sword- Jewish Polemics against Christianity and Christians in France and Spain from 1100-1500 (Tubingen- J. C. B. Mohr, 1993).
    2. R. Chazan, Fashioning Jewish Identity in Medieval Western Christendom (Cambridge- Cambridge University Press, 2004).
    3. D. Lasker, Jewish Philosophical Polemics against Christianity in the Middle Ages (2nd ed.; Oxford- The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2007).
    4. O. Limor and G. Stroumsa (eds), Contra Iudaeos- Ancient and Medieval Polemics between Christians and Jew (Tübingen- J. C. B. Mohr, 1996).
    5. J. Cohen, “Towards a Functional Classification of Jewish Anti-Christian Polemic in the High Middle Ages,” in Religionsgespräche im Mittelalter, ed B. Lewis and F. Niewohner (Wiesbaden, Oto Harrassowitz, 1992), 93-114.
    6. J. Cohen, “Profiat Duran’s ‘The Reproach of the Gentiles’ and the Development of Jewish Anti-Christian Polemic,” in Shlomo Simonsohn Jubilee Volume, ed. D. Carpi et al, (Tel Aviv- Tel Aviv University, 1993) 71-84.
    7. D. Berger,”Christian Heresy and Jewish Polemic in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.” Harvard Theological Review 68 (1975)- 287-303.
    8. D. Berger, “On the Uses of History in Medieval Jewish Polemic against Christianity- The Search for the Historical Jesus,” in Jewish History and Jewish Memory- Essays in Honor of Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, ed. E. Carlebach et al., (Hanover- Brandeis University Press, 1998), 25-39.
  5. Videos
    1. How did Jewish leaders respond to Christian missionizing? Prof. Robert Chazan.

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