By April 16, 2008 Read More →

Tiberias Massacre, Alec Seath Kirkbride, A Crackle of Thorns: Experiences in the Middle East, John Murray Ltd, Great Britain, 1956.

Tiberias Massacre,On the Tiberias Massacre of Oct. 2, 1938-

Arabs broke into Tiberias town one night and massacred a number of Jewish women and children in circumstances of great brutality…. It took us two hours to get to Tiberias, instead of the normal twenty-five minutes, and we found matters there in a mess. The District Office, a synagogue and several Jewish dwelling-houses were in flames, the streets were littered with dead but the attackers had withdrawn. We got the machinery of government working again just as the dawn came and Martin and I were left looking at each other across the police office. He remarked, profoundly, ‘You know, Sir, if this sort of thing continues, we shall have trouble!’

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