By April 16, 2008 Read More →

Mufti of Jerusalem to a Cairo Correspondent of the London Times, Aug. 1946.

mufti of jerusalemClick here for more on The Mufti of Jerusalem and Yasser Arafat.

When World War II broke out in 1939, and I felt the increased British pressure on the French authorities in Lebanon to hand me over, I tried to take refuge in Iraq and then in Persia. The British military authorities tried to capture me there and I found myself compelled to seek refuge in Turkey; but Turkey, through diplomatic arrangement with Great Britain, refused my demand. Therefore, finding no Moslem or Arab country in which to take refuge, I had to go to Europe, which at the time was almost entirely under German domination. Since I am not a British subject and there is no treaty between us [that is, Great Britain and the Palestine Arabs] and furthermore as there existed no enmity between us [the Palestinian Arabs] and Germany, I could see no reason to prevent my taking refuge there at a time when Great Britain was seeking to expel me and to suppress my nation in order to further the Zionist ambitions, which were trying to destroy utterly our national integrity.

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