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November 28, 2002 Kenya Raiders Reported to Come from Somalia

November 28, 2002 Islamic Murder, Mayhem, and Mutilation

“Kenya Raiders Reported to Come from Somalia.”

Terrorists posed as fishermen, smuggled missiles from Somalia, and attacked an Israeli resort in Mobasa and an airliner along the Kenyan coast.

The explosives used most likely entered Somalia in violation of a 1992 arms embargo imposed by the Security Council.

A U.N. report said the terrorists included Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, a native of Comoros who U.S. investigators believe was behind both the Mombasa attack and the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi and Tanzania, which killed 231 people in 1998.

Source: Lacey, Marc. The New York Times, November 7, 2003.

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